A blog about Moscow authored by foreign students who have been here for some time, who do not admire Russia unconditionally anymore but would like to discover the new and interesting in it. We'll make an effort to get rid of our stereotypes, keep our eyes open, and show as much as possible of our troubled but entertaining relationship to Russia.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Russian (TV)Reality

When you start a battle against stereotypes on Russia, you feel like Saint George fighting a several-headed dragon, a righter of wrongs in shining armure ready to slash, cut, dismember all the evil and icky heads of the beast. However, sometimes your pleasant daydream of a world free of prejudice gets shattered by a rude call from reality: victims of stereotypes aren't always victims, and all stereotypes aren't always that far from the truth, unfortunately.
Comrades, we might have lost this battle, but the war isn't over. Remember that there are still out there clichés, platitudes and received ideas on Russians and the rest of the world to be slain. Just to set things straight, French people DO wash!

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